
Advantage of biomass wood pellets

Biomass wood pellets currently is the Most Efficient Form of Storing and Utilizing Biomass.There are many reasons for this:   

1.Wood is hardly a new fuel for heating houses and the technology has improved considerably to make it more efficient, many biomass wood pellet boilers are now over 90% efficient.
2.Possibility to automate the burning process. Due to correct shape, small size wood pellets can be put through a special sleeve that allows to automate the process of loading and unloading and also burning.             3.Biomass is carbon neutral in combustion as the CO2 released is equal to that absorbed by the tree during photosynthesis, and its low carbon overall as production and transportation can be less than that of fossil fuels.
4.The prices of wood pellet fuel  are competitive with fossil fuels prices at current levels and could be cheaper in the long term.
5.Biomass fuel will not fall under carbon levies such as CRC, CCL & emissions trading.
6.Wood pellets are more energy dense as dry sawdust (<10% moisture) is compressed into a pellet meaning that fewer deliveries are needed.
7.Pellets have a high and constant bulk density meaning that less storage space is required (reduced construction costs) and pellets can be transported a far greater distance at economical prices giving security of supply. 
8.Maximum burning efficiency (no additional energy needed to dry or to prepare it for the burning process).
Wood pellets granules are increasingly being used as a renewable energy alternative to oil, gas and electricity.
If you want to build you own wood pellet plant , you can visit www.shpelletmill.com .Choose the suitable biomass pellet mill.

